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Latest Russia Import Data of Textile under HS Code 40 from Israel

Get latest Russia Import Data of textile under HS Code 05010000 based on shipping from Israel. Find detailed Russia imports from Israel with Unit, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Align your business to Russia Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsNet WeightTotal Value (USD)CountryShipment PlaceBuyer
1/19/20224011700000Tires New tread pattern in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.Number 37200097al size IF650 / 65R34 Profile width 650mm, landing diameter 864mm, Tire diameter 1720mm Max. Double speed 65km / h. WITHOUT KA810046970.9IsraelNOVORORSSIYSK PORTAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/12/20224011700000Tires New tread pattern in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.number 35075124al size 320 / 90R54 (12.4R54) 320mm profile width, Landing diameter 1372mm, Tire diameter 1948mm Max. Double speed 65km / h556532473.4IsraelNOVORORSSIYSK PORTAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/25/20224011700000Tires New drawing of the tread in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.number 36580810al size 710 / 70R42 Profile width 740mm, landing diameter 1067mm, Tire diameter 2055mm Max. Double speed 65km / h188410712.3IsraelNOVORORSSIYSK PORTAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/25/20224011700000Tires New tread pattern in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.Number 37200160al size VF650 / 65R34 Profile width 650mm, landing diameter 864mm, Tire diameter 1720mm Max. Double speed 65km / h. WITHOUT KA268817180.8IsraelNOVORORSSIYSK PORTAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/25/20224011700000Tires New tread pattern in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.Number 37200104AL size IF800 / 70R32 Profile width 784mm, landing diameter 813mm, tire diameter 1933mm Max. Double speed 40km / h. WITHOUT KA13288827.96IsraelNOVORORSSIYSK PORTAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/3/20224011700000Tires New tread pattern in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.Number 37200160al size VF650 / 65R34 Profile width 650mm, landing diameter 864mm, Tire diameter 1720mm Max. Double speed 65km / h. WITHOUT KA627039967.2IsraelNOVORORSSIYSK PORTAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/3/20224011700000Tires New tread pattern in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.number 37200099al size IF710 / 75R42 profile width 725mm, planting diameter 1067mm, Tire diameter 2150mm Max. Double speed 65km / h. WITHOUT K7324562.28IsraelNOVORORSSIYSK PORTAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/3/20224011700000Tires New tread pattern in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.Number 37200097al size IF650 / 65R34 Profile width 650mm, landing diameter 864mm, Tire diameter 1720mm Max. Double speed 65km / h. WITHOUT KA759444336.6IsraelNOVORORSSIYSK PORTAGROPROMSHINA LLC

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