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Latest Russia Import Data of Textile under HS Code 8429 from Japan

Get latest Russia Import Data of textile under HS Code 05010000 based on shipping from Japan. Find detailed Russia imports from Japan with Unit, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Align your business to Russia Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsNet WeightTotal Value (USD)CountryShipment PlaceBuyer
1/22/20228429521001Field-turn hydraulic single-loving mini-scale on a tracked run, used, brand: kubota k-008 frame: 10550 g / in: 1999 diesel engine: d722 Volume 719cm3 / 13.0l., Color: Green bucket volume 0.08m3 Body: None VIN:8351762.4JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAMIARA LLC
1/22/20228429521001Field-turn hydraulic single-line mini-scab with dump on traccage, ex-in operation, brand: Komatsu PC10UU-3 frame: 10225 g / in: 1998 diesel engine: 2D68E volume 522cm3 / 9.00l., Color: Blue bucket volume 0.08m3 Vin :MISSING11751982.4JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAMIARA LLC
1/8/20228429521001Field-turn hydraulic single-loving mini-scab with dump on a tracked move, used in operation, brand: Kubota KX-026 frame: KX026-11369 g / in: 1993 diesel engine: v1506-300077 volume 1498cm3 / 29l.c., Color: green volume BUCKET 0.08M3 VIN:27306008JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAMIARA LLC
1/8/20228429521001Field-turn hydraulic single-loving mini-scab with dump in a tracked run, used, brand: Komatsu PC30MR-3 frame: kmtpc200t04035398 g / in: 1994 diesel engine: 3D88E-19143 volume 1642cm3 / 29l.s., Color: Yellow bucket volume 0 .33557383JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAMIARA LLC
1/8/20228429521001Field-turn hydraulic single-loving mini-scab with dump on a tracked run, used, brand: Kobelco SK25SR frame: pv07-12476 g / in: 1995 diesel engine: 3tne78a-42667 Volume 1204cm3 / 19l., Color: Gray / Green Vise BUCKET 0.31406910JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAMIARA LLC
1/9/20228429521001Field-turn hydraulic single-loving mini-scab with dump on a tracked run, the ex-in operation, brand: Komatsu PC12UU Rama: 2468 g / in: 1994 diesel engine: 3D72-10956 Volume 879cm3 / 13l., Color: Green bucket volume 0.08m3 Vin:21104644.1JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAMIARA LLC
1/9/20228429521001Field-turn hydraulic single-loving mini-scab with dump on a tracked move, the ex-in operation, brand: Komatsu PC07-2 frame: 3941 g / in: 1995 diesel engine: 3D72-11950 volume 879 cm3 / 13.0?, color: green bucket volume 0.08 M3 VIN: NONE12902840.1JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAMIARA LLC
1/9/20228429521001Field-turn hydraulic single-loving mini-scab in a tracked move, the ex-in operation, brand: Yanmar B12-1 frame: 11521b g / in: 1995 diesel engine: 3tna72-61630 Volume 953 cm3 / 15.0l., Color: Yellow bucket volume 0.08m3 BODY: MISSING VIN12302708.1JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAMIARA LLC
1/9/20228429521001Field-turn hydraulic single-loving mini-scab with dump in a tracked run, used, brand: Komatsu PC30MR-3 frame: kmtpc200t04035398 g / in: 1994 diesel engine: 3D88E-19143 volume 1642cm3 / 29l.s., Color: Yellow bucket volume 0 .33557383.1JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAMIARA LLC
1/1/20228429521001Field-turn hydraulic single-loving mini-scab with dump on a tracked run, used, brand: Kobelco SK25SR frame: pv07-12476 g / in: 1995 diesel engine: 3tne78a-42667 Volume 1204cm3 / 19l., Color: Gray / Green Vise BUCKET 0.31406910.3JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAMIARA LLC

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You need Import licences, Certificates of conformity, Certificates of origin, and Sanitary certificates to import products to Russia. You can drop an email or call us to know about the detailed procedures of Importing Sc hydraulics from Japan to Russia.