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Latest Russia Import Data of Textile under HS Code 8407343009 from Japan

Get latest Russia Import Data of textile under HS Code 05010000 based on shipping from Japan. Find detailed Russia imports from Japan with Unit, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Align your business to Russia Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsNet WeightTotal Value (USD)CountryShipment PlaceBuyer
1/3/20228407343009Gasoline engines, not new (used), from a / m Honda assembled with automatic transmission and mounted equipment: D16A-1404337 2001 1590cm3 D16A-8006932 20021306 200033 D16A-9021306 20003130CM3 F20B-2060813 1998 1997cm3 K24A-5310674 2006 2354cm3 L15A -5218135 200516302462.91JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIATREYDOXY LLC
1/7/20228407343009Gasoline engines, not new (used), from a / m Honda assembled with automatic transmission and mounted equipment: F18B-2100496 1997 1849cm3 F23A-2228707 19982253cm3 D15B-3256816 2001 1493cm3 K20A-2092866 2003 K20A-2092866 2003 1998SM3 L13A-1515650 2004 -1588164 200325503863.6JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAIE Kutuzova Natalia Nikolaevna
1/7/20228407343009Gasoline engines, not new (used), from Nissan A / M assembly with automatic transmission and attachment: GA15-610565E 1997 1498cm3 MR20-674420A 2007 1997cm3 QR20-063847A 2001 1998cm3 MR20-017592A 2007 1997cm3 QG13-344307 2002 QG13-344307 2002 QG13-344307 2002 QG13-344307 2002 QG13-344307 2002 QG13-344307 -398555A 2001Y13802091.76JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAIE Kutuzova Natalia Nikolaevna
1/7/20228407343009Gasoline engines, not new (used), from a / m Toyota assembled with automatic transmission and mounted equipment: 1NR-8037108 2012 3829cm3 1ZZ-3153293 2002, 1794cm3 1G-6875585 1993 1988cm3 1G-7041803 1994 1988cm3 1NZ-203230 2005 1496SM3 1NZ -D086692 2004Y 1496CM316102440.07JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAIE Kutuzova Natalia Nikolaevna
1/7/20228407343009Gasoline engines, not new (used), from a / m Subaru assembled with automatic transmission and mounted equipment: EJ25-E269584 2010g 2457SM3 EZ30-U105334 2002 2999SM3 EJ15-C307989 2005 1493cm3 EJ20-C939897 1995 1994cm3 EJ20-D601210 199464cm3 EJ20 -D653786 199516502500.65JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAIE Kutuzova Natalia Nikolaevna
1/7/20228407343009Gasoline engines, not new (used), from a / m assembly with automatic transmission and mounted equipment: Mazda B3-577039 2004 1323cm3 F8-306427 1990s 1789cm3 ZJ-256434 2006 1348cm3 ZJ-481565 2006 1348cm3 ZY-204011 2007 1498cm3 total : 5 PIECES.11501743.45JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAIE Kutuzova Natalia Nikolaevna
1/3/20228407343009Gasoline engines, not new (used), from a / m Toyota assembled with automatic transmission and mounted equipment: 1NZ-A101839 20044496cm3 1NZ-A439441 20052 1NZM3 1NZ-B407908 2003496cm3 1NZ-C226219 2005 1NZ-C226219 2005 1496cm3 1NZ-C619414 2004 ? 1NZ-C619414 2004 -D123933 2003Y 1496S45406857.2JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIATREYDOXY LLC
1/3/20228407343009Gasoline engines, not new (used), from a / m Nissan assembly with automatic transmission and mounted equipment: CR14-022796 2002 1386cm3 KA20-095567 2008 1998cm3 LF-130409 2003 1998SM3 MR20-653758A 2007 1997cm3 QG15-488280A 2002 QG15-488280A 2002 ??20 -074372A 2001Y 199823503550.15JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIATREYDOXY LLC
1/26/20228407343009Spare parts for repair and technical service a / m, condition: used: engines with reciprocating piston movement, with installed gearbox, gasoline, with engine cylinder working volume more than 1000 cm3, model / number: 4A-F517812180275.6JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAINDRIVE LLC

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