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FInd Latest Russia Import Data of Gasoline motorcycle under HS Code 8711

Discover latest Russia import data of Gasoline motorcycle under HS code 8711. Search Russia imports data by Country, Product Name, HS Code Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these crucial insights for organizing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Russia Import Data.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsNet WeightTotal Value (USD)CountryShipment PlaceBuyer
1/21/20228711400000Motorcycle, used, brand, model Yamaha VFR800, VIN JH2RC46A7XM100290, Moment of release 01.07.1998, Color: black, frame JH2RC46A7XM100290, DVS number: RC46E- 2200295, volume 789cm3, gasoline dvig., Most. 80.25 KW/107 HP260811.3JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAENISEY LLC
1/21/20228711209800Motorcycle, used, brand, model Kawasaki Super Sherpa 250, VIN is missing, the moment of release 01.07.1997, color: red, frame KL250G-002846, DVS number: kl250ce- 002851, volume 249cm3, gasoline dvig., Cargo. Most. 19.5 KW/26 HP190375.3JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAENISEY LLC
1/7/20228711500000Motorcycle, used, Yamaha FJR 1300, Body: None, Chassis: Joyarp115000008277, Moment of release 01.07.2005, Color: Gray, Model DVS: P509E, DVS number: 011648, Gasoline, volume 1298cm3, Power 146 hp, POWER 109.5 KW2702162.9JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAALTEKAR LLC
1/8/20228711309000Motorcycle, used, brand, model Suzuki Intruder 400 Classic, VIN is missing, the moment of release 01.07.2006, color: gray, frame VK54A-102963, DVS number: k509-103927, volume 399cm3, gasoline, cargo. 24.75 KW/33 HP2601310JapanVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAAMUR LLC
1/21/20228711209200Motorcycle, used, brand, model Honda CBR125R, VIN MLHJC34A455119760, Moment of release 01.07.2005, Color: black, MLHJC34A455119760 frame, DVS number: jc34e- 5119760, volume 124cm3, gasoline, cargo. 10.2 KW/13.6 HP155328.3ThailandVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAENISEY LLC
1/21/20228711500000Motorcycle, used, brand: Yamaha, Model: XJ900 DIVERSION, Moment: 02/14/2001, VIN: JYA4KM00000079091, Body number: No chassis (frame): JYA4KM00000079091, Color: Blue, Engine type: Gasoline, model DV .:4KM-, ENGINE NUMBER2571429.29JapanKALININGRAD AIRPORT KHRABROVORIDERS LLC
1/21/20228711209200Motorcycle, used, brand, model Honda CBF125, VIN LALPCJ725E3128780, Moment of release 01.07.2014, Color: black, frame LALPCJ725E3128780, DVS number: SDH152FMI-A- E3403326, Volume 124cm3, gasoline engine. 8.25 KW/11 HP155574.3ChinaVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAENISEY LLC
1/21/20228711209200Motorcycle, used, brand, model Yamaha YBR125G, VIN LBPPCJLL6A0257848, Moment of release 01.07.2010, Color: Blue, LBPPCJLL6A0257848 frame, DVS number: JYM154FMI-B- 10627934, Volume 124cm3, gasoline engine. 7.5 KW/10 HP155391.3ChinaVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAENISEY LLC
1/19/20228711500000Motorcycle, used, brand, model BMW R1150HT, VIN WB10419J24ZK58704, moment of release 01.07.2003, color: red, frame WB10419J24ZK58704, DVS number: 1122EC- 3603 6539, volume 1129cm3, gasoline dvig., Load. Most. 63.75 KW/85 HP3002823GermanyVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAAMUR LLC
1/19/20228711400000Motorcycle, used, brand, model BMW F650GS, VIN WB10218019ZT41210, Moment of release 01.07.2010, Color classification: Red, frame WB10218019ZT41210, DVS number: 651ea- BN, volume 652cm3, gasoline dvig., Most. 37.5 KW/50 HP2103099.99GermanyVLADIVISTOK RUSSIAAMUR LLC

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Russia Trade Data helps you find genuine Russian Buyers of Gasoline motorcycles under HS Code 8711. You can generate quality sales from our Russia Importers Database itself.

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Russia Trade Data gives you instant access to verified Russia Gasoline motorcycles Imports Data under HS Code 8711. You can find yearly, month-wise, or quarterly Russia Export statistics at

Russia Trade data gives useful insights such as Gasoline motorcycle Product description, quantity, price, buyer supplier name, country of origin, port of loading and shipping information.

RussiaTrade Data helps you plan successful marketing strategizing by identifying latest market demands, risks, current trends and discovering potential buyers for your product.

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