1/19/2022 | 8711400000 | Motorcycle, used, brand, model BMW F650GS, VIN WB10218019ZT41210, Moment of release 01.07.2010, Color classification: Red, frame WB10218019ZT41210, DVS number: 651ea- BN, volume 652cm3, gasoline dvig., Most. 37.5 KW/50 HP | 210 | 3099.99 | Germany | VLADIVISTOK RUSSIA | AMUR LLC |
1/10/2022 | 8711400000 | Motorcycle, used, brand, model BMW F650GS, VIN WB10218019ZT41210, Moment of release 01.07.2010, Color classification: Red, frame WB10218019ZT41210, DVS number: 651ea- BN, volume 652cm3, gasoline dvig., Most. 37.5 KW/50 HP | 210 | 1759.2 | Germany | VLADIVISTOK RUSSIA | AMUR LLC |