1/27/2022 | 8703239042 | Automobile car, used, Toyota Premio, Body: ZRT265-3031962, Chassis: None, Release Date: 12/15/2016, Color: Black, Model DVS: 2ZR, DVS number: 1897154, Gasoline, volume 1797cm3, Power: 131 l .S., POWER: 98.25 KW, US | 1330 | 4801.9 | Japan | VLADIVISTOK RUSSIA | SPHERE LLC |
1/9/2022 | 8703239042 | Car passenger, used, brand, model: Toyota Allion, moment of release 15.10.2016, color: white, body number: ZRT260-3104392, engine number: 2zr- 1869393, engine capacity: 1797cm3, engine type:, gasoline, ENGINE POWER | 1230 | 5314.58 | Japan | VLADIVISTOK RUSSIA | UNION BRIDGE LLC |
1/17/2022 | 8703239042 | Car cargo-passenger, used, Mazda Bongo, Body: SLP2M-100911, Chassis: None, Release Date: 07/01/2016, Color: White, Model DVS: L8, DVS Room: 10320058, Gasoline, Volume 1798cm3, Power: 102 l .S., POWER: 76.5 KW | 1510 | 3702.9 | Japan | VLADIVISTOK RUSSIA | ALTEKAR LLC |
1/26/2022 | 8703239042 | Car cargo-passenger, ex-in operation, Nissan NV200 Vanette, Body: VM20-086695, Chassis: None, Moment of release 11/15/2015, Color: White, Model DVS: HR16, DVS number: 052009d, gasoline, volume 1597cm3, Power 109 L. S., POWER 81 | 1230 | 2803.8 | Japan | VLADIVISTOK RUSSIA | SPHERE LLC |