1/24/2022 | 8703239082 | Automobile car, used, brand, model: Nissan Serena, moment of release 09/15/2016, color: beige, body number: C27-000355, engine number: MR20- 909114B, engine work volume: 1997cm3, engine type:, gasoline, ENGINE POWER | 1630 | 4603.6 | Japan | VLADIVISTOK RUSSIA | AUTOCOM LLC |
1/27/2022 | 8703239082 | Car passenger, used, brand, model: Subaru Forester, moment of release 01/15/2015, body number: SJ5-056860, color: white, engine number: FB20- 1612523, engine work volume: 1995cm3, engine type:, gasoline, ENGINE POWER | 1480 | 8101.9 | Japan | VLADIVISTOK RUSSIA | ASIA STAR LLC |