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Latest Russia Import Data of Textile under HS Code 4011700000 from Turkey

Get latest Russia Import Data of textile under HS Code 05010000 based on shipping from Turkey. Find detailed Russia imports from Turkey with Unit, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Align your business to Russia Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsNet WeightTotal Value (USD)CountryShipment PlaceBuyer
1/2/20224011700000Tires New tread pattern in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.number 5028 size 6.5 / 80-13 6Pr TA50 94 A6 Profile width 171mm, Landing diameter 330mm, Tire diameter 642mm Max. Double speed 30km / h.2706.48848.2TurkeyNOVORORSSIYSK PORTAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/2/20224011700000Tires New tread drawing in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.Number 17940 size 230/95 R44 TA-120 TL 132 A8 / 132 B, 330mm profile width, Landing diameter 1118mm, Tire diameter 1568mm Max.For8230.833252.2TurkeyNOVORORSSIYSK PORTAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/2/20224011700000Tires New tread pattern in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.Number 6160 size 12.4 / 11-28 8pr TA60 A6 122 Profile width 315mm, landing diameter 711mm, tire diameter 1260m Max. Double speed 30km /366410601.4TurkeyNOVORORSSIYSK PORTAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/2/20224011700000Tires New tread pattern in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.number 5028 size 6.5 / 80-13 6Pr TA50 94 A6 Profile width 171mm, Landing diameter 330mm, Tire diameter 642mm Max. Double speed 30km / h.1273.64164.6TurkeyNOVORORSSIYSK PORTAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/19/20224011700000Tires New drawing of the tread in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.number UR65328001020OZK size 800/65 R32 AGRO10 Profile width 800mm, landing diameter 813mm, Tire diameter 1858mm, Max. Double speed5185.9520399.4TurkeyKOCAELI TURKEYAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/19/20224011700000Tires new tread pattern in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.number U3164421OZK size 7.50-16 8PR TT KNK50 profile width 205mm, planting diameter 406mm, Tire diameter 805mm, Max. Double speed 30288.21107.14TurkeyKOCAELI TURKEYAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/19/20224011700000Tires New tread patterns are different from drawing in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.Number 4173072OZK size 500/50-17 18PR KNK46 Profile width 503mm, planting diameter 432mm, Tire diameter 932mm, Max.dop6682.3423395.2TurkeyKOCAELI TURKEYAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/19/20224011700000Tires New drawing of the tread in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.number U5322021OZK size 9.5-32 8PR KNK50 Profile width 241mm, Landing diameter 813mm, Tire diameter 1250mm, Max. Dropped speed 30km /2496.3610111.4TurkeyKOCAELI TURKEYAGROPROMSHINA LLC
1/23/20224011700000Rubber tires Pneumatic new for agricultural machinery (cultivator) - Article RM114 12PR RM-80 125A6 Diamecable Landing diameter 16 inch, Tire diameter 550 mm, Tire width 229 mm, Maximum load-1650 kg, drawing type Wave23940.18TurkeyANKARA AIRPORT ESBMTK POSBERG LLC
1/28/20224011700000Tires New tread pattern in the Christmas tree, for vehicles used in agriculture: Cat.number UR8538650102OZK650 size 650/85 R38 Agr10 Profile width 680mm, landing diameter 965mm, tire diameter 2065mm, Max. Double SP4851.4219355.1TurkeyKOCAELI TURKEYAGROPROMSHINA LLC

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