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FInd Latest Russia Import Data of Cap wheel under HS Code 8704239209

Discover latest Russia import data of Cap wheel under HS code 8704239209. Search Russia imports data by Country, Product Name, HS Code Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these crucial insights for organizing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Russia Import Data.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsNet WeightTotal Value (USD)CountryShipment PlaceBuyer
1/29/20228704239209Cargo car, dump truck, shacman brand, model SX32586T384, wheel formula 6x4, three-axis, new, year of release 2021g, diesel engine, working capacity 11596 cm3, engine model WP12.375E50 Ecological class 5, full weight 31t color in int32000103693.1ChinaT P NUR ZHOLYTRAKAVTOSERVICE LLC
1/16/20228704239209Freight car truck, FAW brand dump truck, model CA3310P66K24T4E5, wheel formula 8x4, four-axle, new, year of release 2021g, diesel engine, working capacity 11050 cm3, model of engine CA6DM2-42E51, ecological class 5, engine power 30995100269447.8ChinaHORGOS CHINAFAV VOSTOCHNAYA EUROPA LLC
1/16/20228704239209Freight car truck, FAW brand dump truck, model CA3310P66K24T4E5, wheel formula 8x4, four-axle, new, year of release 2021g, diesel engine, working capacity 11050 cm3, model of engine CA6DM2-42E51, ecological class 5, engine power 30938040106460.8ChinaHORGOS CHINAFAV VOSTOCHNAYA EUROPA LLC

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Russia Trade Data helps you find genuine Russian Buyers of Cap wheels under HS Code 8704239209. You can generate quality sales from our Russia Importers Database itself.

Russia Trade Data helps you discover major Import Markets for Cap wheels under HS Code 8704239209. Find top exporter countries & their products exports from our well organized Russia Importers Database.

Russia Trade Data gives you instant access to verified Russia Cap wheels Imports Data under HS Code 8704239209. You can find yearly, month-wise, or quarterly Russia Export statistics at

Russia Trade data gives useful insights such as Cap wheel Product description, quantity, price, buyer supplier name, country of origin, port of loading and shipping information.

RussiaTrade Data helps you plan successful marketing strategizing by identifying latest market demands, risks, current trends and discovering potential buyers for your product.

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