1/18/2022 | 6204631800 | Other trousers and breeches for women or girls, from synthetic threads: Pants female fabric synthetic art: SW2106190446172670 - 2 pcs, art: Swpants01191114977 - 6 pcs, art: SW2107220935390947 - 1 pcs, art: sf2109091513955785 - 1 pcs, art: | 67.75 | 2588.83 | China | HONG KONG | CDEK GLOBAL LLC |
1/18/2022 | 6203431900 | Other trousers and breeches for men or for boys, from synthetic threads: trousers Men's fabric Synthetic art: smpants03210111477 - 3 pcs, art: sm2107164604711853 - 1 pcs, art: sm2107063711592537 - 4 pcs, art: sm2107284223176442 - 1 pcs, art: | 24.37 | 1111.06 | China | HONG KONG | CDEK GLOBAL LLC |
1/18/2022 | 6204639000 | Other trousers, boards and straps and straps, Breeches and shorts for women or girls, from synthetic threads: Jumpsuit Women's fabric Synthetic art: swjumppsui07191216502 - 3 pcs, art: swjumppsui07200915948 - 1 pcs, art: SW210611136821737 - 1 pcs, | 11.68 | 571.61 | China | HONG KONG | CDEK GLOBAL LLC |